The Case for the Intelligent Scheme
The Universe is a very large and complex system. For such a large-scale system to ‘become’ operational and remain stable for a span of billions of years, there must exist a set of some very strict, precise, and concise laws – along with a strict ‘code of abidance’, to ensure the orderly formation and continuation of this very vast Universe.
Further, as we have discussed in our previous articles on the subject (In Search of The Origin), the logical reasoning process demands that the ‘Laws of the Universe’ must have to come either prior to the emergence of the universe, or come along with it. It is simply a matter of logical deduction. The precision and the order of the ‘Universal Affairs’ point to the presence of ‘The Laws’ (Laws of The Universe), and a strict ‘code of abidance‘ in place from the very ‘moment’ of the birth of the Universe.
The Universe – The Emergence
At this point, to bring in focus the enormity and complexity of the Universe, we will recapitulate the events leading to the emergence and formation the Galactic Universe, and review the immensity of its dimensions :
It is logical to assume that this Universe (or the essentials of The Universe) must have come into existence at some point in ‘space-time’. We may call that point, ‘The Point Origin‘. We cannot say anything with certainty as to the state that was there before The Point Origin – A peek into the state beyond the point origin is beyond our mental capacity. We have to acknowledge our own limitations – our brains are not structured to visualize the state prior to the Point Origin – A state of absolute vacuum and void – a state of ‘space-less space‘ – a state of ‘time-less time‘ – a state of ‘dimension-less dimension‘ – Our brain simply cannot visualize such a scenario.
Further, for The Universe to emerge, in whatever form and shape, there must exist an enormous – beyond our mental computational capabilities – ‘amount’ of energy that provided the building blocks for it. And, as a precondition, for that energy to exist, there must have to exist a space-time dimension – But, the space and the time dimensions themselves came into existence due to the propagation of the Super Strings of the energy that propagated the Universe. Nonetheless, somehow, The Energy had emerged and erupted with a Big Bang that brought into motion the process that formed this Universe.
The Universe that had been propagated due to the Energy eruption of The Big Bang, spans – per our present measuring standards, more than 14-billion-light-years across from the nucleus of The Big Bang. Plainly speaking, the container shell of this perceptible universe, formed at the ‘instant’ of The Big Bang, spanned spherically more than 28 billion-light-years across. More to contribute to the complexity of the matter, the very latest analysis of the compiled data and evidence suggest that The Universe spans, more probably, 100-billion light years across, and contains many billions more galaxies than the previous evidence suggested.
In a nutshell, it was the eruption of The Virgin Mother Energy, with a Big Bang, that brought into existence this enormous Universe, and also formed the time-space dimensions that we exist in.
The Universe – in Perspective
In order to visualize and comprehend the enormity of this universe, we will present an informative tour of this Galactic Universe of ‘ours’. We will use the speed of light as the unit of measurement to simplify the presentation of the distances and the sizes of the bodies in the -`universe. Note that in one second light travels 186,000 miles or 300,000 km – The median distance from the Earth to Sun is 150,000,000 km (93 million miles) – Light travels from Sun to Earth in 8 minutes and 19 seconds – it means that Earth to Sun distance is just around 8 light minutes.
The Earth is our home. It is one of the planets of the star Sun. The Sun is one of the stars of The Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy contains some 200-300 billion stars. The average distance between these stars is 31 Trillion kilometers (19.3 trillion miles) – Which is 206,264 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun.
‘Our’ Milky Way galaxy is just one of the 200-300 billions of Galaxies in the Universe – An average galaxy spans around 100,000 light years across and contains 100-300 billion stars. And, an average star carries 10 planets orbiting around it. Stars are generally several light years (trillions of miles) away from each other.
Galaxies group together in a cluster like formation within the ‘shell’ of The Universe. And, these Galactic Clusters are positioned millions of light-years away from each other.
It is an enormous Universe. The vastness, the complexity, and the order of the Universe is simply mind-numbing. It is certainly a system of enormously large proportions and extreme complexity.
And, further to add to the complexity of the matter, this very vast universe is made of the extremely tiny (quantum) ‘particles – or the ‘quantum energy strings’.
The Universe – A Very Large System
We can understand that the designing and implementation process of any large-scale system requires a tremendous amount of very thoughtful planning, organization and discipline. The success, integrity, and sustainability of such a large system is dependent upon the adherence to some very strict rules and codes of conduct – even a little deviation from the given standards, and the system will fail under a state of chaos and disorder – We all have observed such chaotic ‘systemic failures’ due to laxity in the control process.
By the same token a system as large and as complex as The Universe, will require a ‘superbly thoughtful’ and thorough planning – with the rules specifying and dictating the smallest of the events, and controlling the process of formation of the tiniest of the particles. And, for such a complex system to self-sustain – without failure, for billions of years, it has to be a Superbly Intelligent planning and scheme at work.
For a gargantuan system of such extremely large proportions, we observe the Universe to be very orderly, precise, and stable – From the planetary orbits to the galactic rotations and motions, there seems to be a code of strict adherence to some predefined course – no deviations observed. The point to further take note of is that the universe, beside being very complex, is also a highly dynamic system – with the solar bodies (stars) moving at an average speed of 80,000 km per hour, and the galaxies moving at a speed of more than 2 million kilometers per hour. It is, indeed, a very ‘fast system‘. It is amazing to observe such an order and harmony in this enormously dynamic Universe.
We know that all bodies in the universe, from the living organism to the stellar system, are made of atoms – the tiniest of the particles that hold the specific properties of the matter. Also, at the atomic level, we observe an absolute order and precision – just a tiny and predefined variation, and we have a matter of a different kind. And, yet, we cannot change, reorder, or manipulate these ‘specific and predefined’ variations at the atomic level – thus, we cannot form an elemental matter that doesn’t already exist – Our manipulations of the atomic structure fail as the reformed structure cannot hold its integrity even for a tiny fraction of a second — The Laws of Nature (Laws of Universe) are holding the integrity of the entire System of the Universe for 14 billion years!
The instruction code for all the living organism is encoded in its DNA molecules. The DNA of each organism, be it the microbial life or the human, carries the complete instruction set to replicate and reproduce that specific organism – DNA is very much like the information data base for the ‘life’.
All the living things in the universe – from plants to animals, rely on their DNA structure for self-repair and reproduction. It is a highly intelligent and self-managed system in itself. We are still intrigued and amazed by the complexity of the DNA structure of the living things – The number of permutations that those simple strands of molecules are capable of forming to produce such a large variety of organism is astounding – The built-in self-repair mechanism is unbelievably ‘smart’.
As we have observed, every component of this universe – from the tiniest to the mightiest, and from the matter to the living organism, is programed and controlled to function with precision.
The Intelligent Scheme
The presence of well thought and unbreakable laws, and strict code of abidance is apparent at every juncture. Every thing in the universe is a testament to one fact: The Universe is no ‘accident’ – It is the product of an Intelligent Scheme – A scheme with strict laws and ‘codes of conduct’ – we call those laws ‘The Laws of Universe’ or ‘The Laws of Science’.
The presumption of such Laws of the Universe, either concurrent or prior to ‘The Beginning’, leads only to one logical conclusion; The presence of an Authority and Intelligence that must have to be there to formulate, establish, and impose those Laws – An Authority so unfathomably intelligent and capable as to be able to plan the logistics for the execution of such an enormous and multistage project. The Might, the Power, the ‘Absoluteness’ of the Authority, and the perfection of Knowledge of such an Entity can barely be visualized by our human brain – The attributes of such an Authority and Intelligence that could provide the Energy and Resources for the manifestation of such a ‘LARGE‘ scale project is beyond our descriptive prowess.
The Intelligence – The Source
Whatever we choose to call it, that ‘Intelligence and Authority‘ was the Source of The Virgin Mother Energy that had erupted out with The Big Bang to propagate this Universe. The same Intelligence planned and established the unchangeable Laws and Rules that govern this Universe – The very laws that we strive to learn and understand in our pursuit of knowledge. It is the same Intelligence that, by definition, provisioned for the emergence of life on the Earth and, in all probabilities, on millions of other planets in billions of Galaxies in ‘our’ Universe.
We can call that Entity, ‘The Supreme Intelligence‘ – Or, for the simplicity’s sake, simply ‘The Creator‘.
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