Health and Happiness
The joys of health, vigor, and vibrant energy – nothing comes close to it. With the loss of health, nothing else matters. In the absence of health, no amount of wealth or material luxuries mean any thing. And, the other joys and pleasures don’t even cross the barriers erected by the onslaught of a debilitating disease. Life is no fun without health and the vigor that associate with it.
The Human form had been conditioned over the millennia by the evolutionary process to recover unscathed from the onslaught of any diseases or sickness that the environment could through on it. We had been well prepared to survive and prevail. We were supposed to have been enjoying a happy and healthy life.
Sure, that is the way it was supposed to be. But, that is not the way it is. Somehow, we have been deprived of our inalienable rights to enjoy a healthy and happy life.
Health and happiness were the most valuable essentials included in the Gift of Life package bestowed upon us. Somehow, somewhere, someone has foreclosed upon our rights to health and happiness. May be it were we, ourselves, who refused to honor our obligations, OR may it be that it was The Big Pharma who just happened to have confiscated our most valuable Gift – The Health!
In order to reclaim this invaluable possession of health from the snatchers, and keep it protected, we have to first recognize our own capabilities and strengths that are inherent in each of one of us. in order to keep ourselves safe and secure, and, at the same times, understand the mechanism that has been employed to deprive us of our natural gift of health.
The fact is that the state of health, happiness, and the abundance of energy to enjoy a vibrant life is a natural state. A state of disease and sickness is the result of continuous gross assault on our natural defense mechanism that is there to guard our health and well-being We have at our disposal the most capable and potent system to protect and defend ourselves against any assault. But, in order to use it, we need to be aware of it first.
We are a very potent and capable being – A union or fusion of a Life-Energy, and the marvel of the Earthly Evolution. This marvel of evolution is the Human Physical Form. It has passed through the rigors of millions of years of evolutionary process on this planet, and has emerged as the dominant species on this Earth. This marvelous being itself has acquired all the necessary capabilities to defend itself, and to preserve its dominance against any assault – be it the invasion of viruses, or the intrusion of microbes that can ever emerge on the planet through a natural process.
Our physical being – this Evolutionary Marvel – the King of the Evolution – is fully capable of maintaining a healthy and energetic state of affairs, as long as it adheres to its natural way of living.
But the real danger to its well-being, and to its existence, is the assault and attack mounted by its own species.
And, the only guard against the assault by our own species – the tyranny and betrayal by our own fellow human beings – is to establish a system of just, harmonious, and mutually respectful co-existence. Our very presence on this Earth is, most probably, just a test of the Human Life-Energy’s resolve and capabilities to overcome and control the destructive instincts of the Earthly Marvel of Evolution, and learn to live together in peace and harmony. A wholesome state of health and happiness sprouts from the bed of peace and harmony.
We are more than just an Evolutionary Marvel – A lot more. We are a very unique ‘Thing. We are, in fact, an amalgamation of two entities; The Life-Energy, and the Earthly Marvel of Evolution.
The Life-Energy part of us is The Intelligence and The Humanity of The Human. The Life-Energy is the source of enormous energy, heavenly wisdom, creativity, and the human compassion.
It is the human Life-Energy that is The Real Entity behind our original thoughts, innovations, and creativity. It is the Life-Energy that gives us the sense of justice, and guides us to the path of peaceful coexistence with our fellow being. The Life-Energy is an ocean of peace and tranquility in itself. It is the Life-Energy that has the capabilities to heal and energize the Earthly Marvel of Evolution – the human physical body.
This Marvel of Evolution, on the other hand, is an animal form after all. Its animal origin, and the associated vulnerability and insecurity, drives it to commit the acts that, ultimately, leads to its own demise. In a natural state, the real human – the Life-Energy, guides it and and keeps it from inflicting harms upon itself. In a natural state we enjoy a state of happiness, health and tranquility.
Health and happiness are inherent to our existence. To enjoy a healthy and vibrant life, full of energy and vitality, we simply need to connect with our real-self. We enjoy a wholesome life when we are in our natural wholesome state.
— Enjoy The Beauty of Life —