Category: Nutrients

Soy – The Marketing Miracle

Millions of people have been deceived into believing the Soybean Miracle — Which, actually, is the Marketing Miracle. The marketing campaign that transformed the soy into a health food is all the more remarkable because, until only a few decades ago, soybean was considered unfit for human consumption

Raw Milk – Hazardous to Healthcare Industry

Raw milk from pasture raised and grass-fed cows is the only food that has all the nutrients essential for good health. It is a complex whole food, complete with digestive enzymes and its own antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-parasitic properties. While healthy fats in raw milk support …

Virgin Coconut Oil – Like Mother’s Milk

Coconut is one of the most health promoting and nutritious fruit — it is also a remedy to many of our ailments and diseases. Of course, most of these beneficial properties are concentrated in the oil of the fruit, but it’s Flesh and Water are also very nutritious, refreshing, and delicious …